Peak organisations ACCA, CASS & KSS visit to Canberra over Senator Palmer’s offensive insult

Friday, 29 August 2014

Dear Members,

On Tuesday 26 August 2014, President Luke Song from The Korean Society of Sydney (KSS), Secretary/VP Tony Pang (CASS) and I made a trip to Canberra. The purpose was to voice our deep concerns over Senator Clive Palmer’s insulting and offensive outburst on Q&A (18 Aug 2014) that the Chinese were “mongrels” and “bastards” who shoot their own people and want to take over Australia. The following day PUP Senator Jacqui Lambie raised the threat of a Chinese invasion!

Prior to our arrival at Canberra, news came through and we acknowledge that Senator Palmer has now issued an apology.  The apology to the Chinese Ambassador and the Chinese community was most welcomed although it took 8 days before the message finally sunk in that his outrageous outburst could have damaging consequence for trade relations and multicultural Australia.

Amongst other MPs that we met, we had a pleasant meeting with Western Australia Senator Dio Wang and his Chief of Staff over Senator Palmer’s outburst and apology. Senator Wang acknowledged the concerns brought to his attention. Our meeting with Senator Wang ended positively and on a note that it may be beneficial to maintain some form of dialogue going forward.

However, Senator Jacqui Lambie has to date refused to apologise, despite her leader saying sorry. We will continue to follow-up and maintain the pressure. Raising the spectre and playing the card of a Chinese invasion is worrying, particularly when it comes from an elected public representative of Australia. The statement she has made is foolish. It is embarrassing.

The concerns and anger of the community are probably best noted with some 40 Chinese organisations demonstrating at the front lawns of Parliament House on Tuesday 26 August 2014. Many politicians have also expressed their concerns over Senator Palmer’s outburst and Senator Lambie’s comments.

On Thursday 28 August, 2014 we held a joint media conference (CASS, CAF, ACCA and KSS). Details of the joint press release are attached, including Senator Palmer’s apology to the Chinese Embassy. The joint media conference was well attended by Directors and members from the respective peak organisations.


Felix Lam
President, ACCA